F word (F**K) is a common bad word using in advertising agency (mostly international or establish)... example..
my first training at Arena Advertising.. their art director "F**K!! i thought u already gave to her!" he angry with their client servicing
my first agency i working at Azan Media my boss said " Dont give a F**K to me!!" - he's angry when their staff coming late coz lepak2 dulu at mamak..
my current agency.. my creative director "syafiq!! what the "F**K r u doing.. u wanna responsible with this??!!"
my art director "where's the file??!! which one??!!.. this!!!???.. this is the wrong file u edited...F**K!!! Shitt!!!
my copywriter "what the F**K he's thinking??!!"
sometimes its comes suddenly one of the staff... "F**K!!!" (middle in the silence creative department)...
when i got shouted with my boss.. in my mind.."C***I!!??" (mine is different).. hehehe
tok..u r not supposed to said that word..(zul sambilterliur)
jabang bayik ajegaget....
when I was an Art director...
the most commonly words that I used was...
'ShittyGhoul or Bloodypool!'
when I was a Creative director...I used different lingo to scold my staff 'Gangbang Lu! kanena'
cos I want to be different but actually no different from others....LOL
Hahahahha... "gangbang lu kanena" ???
Mommi, now how you scold all those bakal pengganas donia?
Tok kena marah dengan boss ke?
untuk penganaz donia mmg santun...
"You think I'm a joker? Get Movin!"
Naturally I'm a terrorist Mem! hahahahha
kau kena marah ke pik..
redah pik
redah jek
and... robot plak kata mcm ni "what the F"
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